
Nuno Faustino / Portfolio

beith associates
Web Design & Development

beith associates

for agency Bull Moose Marketing
UI / UX Custom Worpdress Development Property Listings Google Maps Integration

Beith Associates is a high-end real estate agency that needed a website capable of setting them apart from the RE/MAXES and Howard Hannas of the world.

The solution was creating a clean UI that departs from the noise and busyness of conventional real estate websites. Each property listed on the site gets the atention and time it deserves, reflecting the care Beith Associates dedicates to each and every one of their clients.

beith associates beith associates beith associates beith associates beith associates beith associates beith associates beith associates beith associates beith associates

Not only was it a goal to attract buyers, as it was also important to show sellers that they could trust Beith Associates with their properties. By offering a calm and safe space, without the pressure of bigger real estate agencies, Beith Associates is able to get properties on their listings portfolio they would not otherwise.

nuno faustino